Switching Your EMR/EHR System? Health iPASS Can Help!

Saying Goodbye to Your Current EHR/EMR Doesn’t Have to Be Painful!


Everyone loves a good sunset. That is, of course, unless it’s your EMR/EHR that is sunsetting due to mergers and acquisitions, or simply a more advanced version has been released and will be replacing the one you’ve grown to know. Then there is always the chance that your long-term relationship with your EMR/HER just wasn’t meeting the needs of your practice anymore (read this to determine whether it is time to consider a switch). No matter the reason, switching your EMR/EHR can be a real headache and significantly disrupt your established workflows.


You might be familiar with our 100% mobile patient intake, check-in, and payment software, which is admittedly pretty neat. However, we can do so much more for your practice, especially if you are looking down the business end of an upcoming EMR/EHR switch. Health iPASS can help make the process much smoother, especially in terms of managing patient balances and payments. Too often, practices lose precious revenue during a switch because they end up writing off legacy system balances. There just isn’t an effective way to collect those older payments and route them correctly when they come in.


Health iPASS enables your practice to show a patient view of previous balances from your legacy system while also displaying new copays in your new EMR/EHR due to our high level of integration with the top EMR/EHR systems. The cherry on top?  The patient can see all their balances in one, easy-to-understand view. Any payments are then routed to the system from which they originated—the prior balances to the legacy system and the new payments to the new system. Simple, seamless, and straightforward—all descriptors not usually applied to a complicated EMR/EHR switch. Another huge bonus is that Health iPASS clients are assigned a dedicated Client Success manager who can help you with the transition.


While you might never look forward to the sunsetting of your EMR/EHR system the way you would an actual sunset, with Health iPASS as your partner, the process can be easier without the typical loss of revenue. Visit our website for a demo of our product, and a member of our sales team can walk you through how we can smooth the rough edges of your upcoming EMR/EHR switch.


This post was originally posted in April of 2021 but has since been updated.


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